Monday, April 30, 2012

DAY THIRTY FOUR - Saturday April 28

DAY THIRTY FOUR - Saturday April 28

Worked epilogue scenes in morning - really fun with these great character guys.

We were supposed have catch up time with the Bondy (comic lead) who has missed many  rehearsals.  Remember when we did that recasting - moved one Sandor out, moved a Bondy over to Sandor and a Bajossovich up to Bondy? Well the Bossovich we moved up to Bondy is overwhelmed with all his shows and the baby who was just born. So, finally, I get an evening when he can finally show up at rehearsal – I release everyone except him and his love interest – and dontcha know, Kirill tells us he’s pulling him from the production. Kirill decided he is overextended and cannot do our show - at least in a large role.  So... nobody to rehearse.  So no sense in rehearsing.  So Gregg and I went to see a Rimsky Korsokov opera, "The Tsar's Bride."

It was in the same beautiful theatre I was in last night for Giselle.  It was a very opulent production - sort of.  The costumes were beautiful.  And the set was actually rather primitive - although the amazing scenic painting made it feel much more elaborate.  Except, whenever anyone brushed up against a wall or opened a door, the entire "building" would ripple since it was all canvas drops that were not even stretched on frames.

There were some great voices - but the acting was rather stiff.  And there was a HUGE chorus - there must have been about 70 people on that stage! Oh, wait, we will have about the same number!

Here's the curtain call so you can get a sense of the scale.  All the three dimensionality of the set is painted.

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